Tuesday 30 July 2013

Spain 2013, Ronda - The Smell of Ham (8.4.13)

Shabanah, whose senses were extremely hightened at the time of their visit two years earlier, told Hamida that Ronda smelt of ham. This must have been the reason. These dried legs of ham were to be found all over shops in Andalucia. Not a very pleasant sight.

We duly headed out of beautiful Ronda but not via the intended detour around the countryside to the east, the views from whence of the town above would have certainly added to the appreciation for it. It was not to be as it took too long due to the many one way roads that Ronda has and my free satnav not recognising them.

It was a shame but we can't really grumble as we enjoyed plenty of Ronda MaShaAllah...

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