Wednesday 31 July 2013

Spain 2013, Cordoba - The Grand Mosque of Cordoba (10.4.13)

One can only imagine the magnificence of the Mezquita before the cathedral intrusion. The pillars and the double arches would have stretched the entire length and breadth of hall, creating the illusion of an oasis of date palms to remind the early Muslims of Spain of Arabia.

The original Mezquita was completed during the reign of Abd ar-Rahman I by the architect Sidi din Ayub. Before the fall of the Moors, it had been extended three times to its current size, which measures about 100m by 60m.

It has been highlighted by the Church that the Mezquita was built on a former Visigothic Cathedral. True. But what is not made well known is that before the construction of the mosque the land was bought by Abd ar-Rahman I from the Christians.

We can only pray that prayers will be allowed again in the mosque. Aameen...

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