Friday 26 July 2013

Spain 2013, Granada - Hilly Albaicin (4.4.13)

Albaicin is the old Moorish quarter of Granada. Built on a hill on the opposite of the Daro from the Alhambra, it's narrow cobbled streets made for a very picturesque walk.
Picturesque and yet a little challenging pushing Yousuf and carrying Zainab on my back. Abdullah helped greatly with the pushing,  which he loved doing. I loved the feeling of accomplishment of doing it for my kids.
We were heading for a lookout point that affords the classic stunning view of the Alhambra. It was from the courtyard of a church that used to be a mosque. Of course, this being Andalucia there are thousands of such converted mosques.
We were heading for a church but found a mosque! Alhamdulillah! As we approached the lookout, a Moroccan brother going the other way met us with salaams. It instantly created a bond. He showed us to Granada's brand new Grand Mosque, which was just across the road from the church and offered the same view and only better because of the lack of tourists...

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