Saturday 27 July 2013

Spain 2013, Las Alpujarras - White Washed (5.4.13)

The Las Alpujarras is dotted with dozens of these white washed villages. They looked like white beacons surrounded by the lush green mountains and valleys.
We headed to one of the highest,  Capileira, which is at one end of the highest pass in Europe. The other end is on the northern side of the Sierra Nevada, which we were to visit on our last day.  The pass is closed to traffic,  except for a tourist bus in the summer, to protect the environment. It would be nice to cycle there one day though - if by the time we return I'm still fit enough!
Perched on the edge of the Poqueira Gorge, Capileira was in the clouds on our visit. Visibility was only a few metres. We carried up past the village intending to stop at the barrier but turned back for fear of unwittingly falling off the edge!
We came down and drove along the side of the gorge cut by the Rio Trevelez. The road does a u-turn at the village of the same name, which is Spain's highest conurbation.
We didn't stop there due to Yousuf and Zainab and started coming down the other side of the gorge and were soon out of the Las Alpujarras. When will we return?

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