Friday 26 July 2013

Spain 2013, Granada - Masjid Gharnata (4.4.13)

The Moroccan brother lead us to a very beautiful mosque that was built by the native Muslims of Granada only 10 years ago after much striving as they faced a lot of opposition from the churches. Alhamdulillah, their efforts have been greatly rewarded.
Hamida, Abdullah and I prayed Zuhr and Asr while Yousuf and Zainab had a ball running around the main hall. They love large empty spaces. And it's wonderful to see their unadulterated joy!
The Mihrab of the mosque is modelled on that of the Great Mosque of Cordoba. It is stunning. And more importantly, this one is used. Long may that continue.
We met another Bengali family from London in the mosque. They had a guide. I'm glad that we didn't. It was raining but we left nonetheless and headed for somewhere to eat halaal with the Moroccan brother. I got to practice Arabic...

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