Friday 26 July 2013

Spain 2013, Granada - Caligraphy & Jose Guerrero (4.4.13)

Buying souvenirs is always a hassle for me - even when Hamida is the one doing it!  We have often left it late because of my ditherings but this time we struck it lucky on the first day, both for the kids and the households!
For the babies of each family were Arabic calligraphy of their names. They only cost €1 each from a Moroccan street vendor, who promptly ran away when he saw police approaching even before being paid. Alhamdulillah he came back.
For the adults, earthen ware ornamental pots that had miniature models of Granada inside - at €3 they were a great bargain. Hamida sorted this out while I waited with Yousuf for the caligraphy to dry. He wasn't very happy!
We waited by an exhibition of some of Jose Guerrero's works, and then went inside to wait further while the artwork dried. It was an interesting little museum. The paintings were surreal and Abdullah was certainly puzzled by them...

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