Wednesday 31 July 2013

Spain 2013, Cordoba - Walkabout (10.4.13)

We then went for a walkabout. Cordoba has a lot to offer but after the Mezquita everything seemed a bit of an anticlimax. Maybe there's a lesson in that - leave the best til last.

We vaguely aimed for a synagogue in the old Jewish quarter by over shot it and stumbled upon an surviving section of the old city wall.

The synagogue is only one of three survivors in all of Spain after the expulsion of the Jews by the Christians in 1492. Many of these Jews ended up in the Ottoman Empire where Sultan Beyzid gave them refuge. He even sent ships to transport them from Spain.

There didn't seem to be an obvious entrance to the synagogue so we carried on wondering. The narrow cobbled streets of Cordoba are as an enchanting as elsewhere in Andalucia and great for Zainab to roam unimpeded by traffic...

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