Saturday 10 August 2013

Spain 2013, Granada 2 - Patio de los Leones (12.4.13)

The Harem is the third of the palace's three major quarters. This was the private living (and basking in the pleasures of life) area for the sultans.

Its courtyard, the Patio de los Leones is another archetypal image of the Alhambra. My words cannot do justice to this  splendid heart of the harem. So let Washington Irving try:

"It is impossible to contemplate this scene, so perfectly Oriental, without feeling the early associations of Arabian romance, and almost expecting to see the white arm of some mysterious princess beckoning from the gallery, or some dark eye sparkling through the lattice. The abode of beauty is here as if it had been inhabited but yesterday."

Good try Washington, but...

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