Thursday 8 August 2013

Spain 2013, Granada 2 - Jumu'a (12.4.13)

Due to a little light traffic and leaving the Sierra Nevada slightly late we thought that we'd be late for Jumu'a. But Alhamdulillah we were an hour early as the start time was 3pm at Masjid Garnata.

There was an Arab brother and sister selling delicious looking food outside the mosque who promised to guard the Zafira against parking attendants.  Alhamdulillah, they did a good job!

While waiting, chatted with a South Asian Malaysian documentary producer who was making a History of Muslims in Spain programme. Interesting.

The majority of the Jumu'a congregation was Arab (Moroccan and other North African mostly) but there were plenty of native Spanish Muslims too. They had information stalls outside the mosque MaShaAllah...

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