Friday 11 April 2014

Egypt 2014 - Piazza Duomo

London - Milan Linate, Milan Malpensa - Cairo. This is the first time in my life I've had to change airports in transit. Had plenty of time for the switch though - too much time. The plan was to go to Malpensa straight away and read,  watch and rest top while away the 12 hours. Exploring Milan at night alone was not really an option.

But on boarding the bus from Linate to Central Milan, bumped into a bumbling brother from Bradford. He was on the way to Lahore to visit his sick father. His transit was 2 hours longer.

So we explored Milan together, trailing along our trollies. We must have looked right of place. Walked for about 45 minutes to the central plaza.

The cathedral is impressive, but Milan itself didn't impress me so much. I guess I'll have to see it during the day to really judge.

In the centre we met many Bangladeshi migrants, selling their wares on the streets and squares. Felt sorry for their state of affairs. May Allah not put me in such situations. Aameen. And Alhamdulillah for all His blessings...

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